Monday, November 29, 2010

Welcome Home

Join Children's Miracle Network as we welcome Norb and Ann home!

You are invited to an Open House Reception to celebrate the Bagleys' cross-country bicycle trip.

Thursday, Dec. 9, 2010
3:00–4:30 p.m. (special presentation at 3:30 p.m.)
Cox South, 7th Floor, Pediatrics Waiting Room
3801 S. National Ave., Springfield, MO 65807

Come hear stories from the road and view pictures. For more information, call 417/269-6853.


Anonymous said...

You guys are amazing... congratulations!

You are inspiring me once again to look into doing something like it but maybe i could start with going from Santa Barbara to San Fran ;)

Bryan Pollard

Anonymous said...

This was fantastic! Is there any way I could pick your brain? Or resources you might suggest? I hope to do something like this in the future. Thanks
Nick Van Dam

Norb and Ann said...

Nick, We would be happy to share information with you. Let us know how we can contact you and we will get together. Norb

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the delay in response I was hit by a car on my bike commute home just after I left the message. I'm nearly recovered now, and if you're still available you can e-mail me at my coxhealth e-mail nick.vandam or you can e-mail me at I appreciate your help. Thanks!